Deceased Classmates
Based on the best information we have the classmates listed below are deceased. If you have additional information on any of  these folks or information about others please use the contact page to provide us with a current update.

Carolyn Burkhardt
Mina Callis
Howard Corbin
Diane Dell
David Dubke
Gary Engasser
Delbert Engle
Peggy Fagan
Stuart Farr
Rita Jakubus (Kruszka)
Jeff King
Howard Gay
Beverly  Haley
Gail Haibel
Rusty Hutton
Frank Imiola
Norma Kendall (Camplin)
Jim Kerr
Dan Klink
Bob Leary
Leonard Marcinowski
Sharon Matevia
Carl McGiveron
Tom McKee
Howard McQuay
Hedwig Miller
Tom Reese
Mary Reig
Jack Salunek
Joe Stanley
Marion  Siple
Beverly Tarbox
Jeff Timmons
Larry Tober
Paul Holden

Ann Retzlaff Harley